Thursday, November 27, 2014

Should I Be Thankful?

You bet!  Even though I'm typing this while wearing gloves because it is so cold.

While the original idea of Thanksgiving sets off my politically correct alarms, I have come to realize over the years that it is not a bad thing to have time set aside to think about that for which one is grateful. 

I won't be with family this year and that breaks my heart, but I know they will be gathering with people and community they love and who warms their hearts and that makes it good.

When I think about it, I am grateful for so many things; obviously, if you are a regular reader of mine, you know I go on and on, and I won't do that today.  Just a brief message.

I am grateful for somehow ending up raising smart, resilient, loving, and independent children, "somehow" not because of their failings, but because of mine.  It feels like a miracle.  They each have taught me so much about dealing with life's issues and have shown me that they individually have beautifully different strengths and talents. I love them and miss them so much.

From them and their life partners, I am grateful for my two precious grandchildren; getting to relive newborn bliss and everyday joy (and stresses) of raising babies is rejuvenating and tiring.  How did I live without them?  I am very proud to be their Oma.

I am thankful for friends who keep me in their hearts even as I journey farther and farther away from them.  The notes and phone calls are so sustaining and appreciated.  I am thankful for new friends in this amazing boating community (and some on land) who have taken us under their wing when we needed special handling following our lightning strike and since then, in every harbor we've been to; people are always reaching out to help each other.

Sickness and illness are clawing at our family borders, but I am thankful to have most of my family still on this plane, and knowing they are getting good care makes it easier to be on this physical journey.  The strength and resolve of those affected have been inspiring and has kept me hopeful.

To my husband and Captain, thanks are unbounding.  For leading us into charted waters safely, even with kinks along the way; for sharing his love of the sea with his slightly reluctant and wimpy wife; for opening new horizons with his family, knowing that any fear we show today will turn into joy and a sense of the holy tomorrow.

I am also thankful to our boat, Nalani, a fine ocean-going vessel which, even while my vision of us is as a bobbing cork, plows through the waves like butter and brings us to safe harbors.

And while not last, because I am attempting to keep this short, I am thankful for sweet tea and Southern hospitality.  Have a sweet and savory day, y'all!

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