This is my son, Elliott's, take on what happened to us last night as we were anchored in the Elizabeth River; it was pretty intense. I'll write more later as there is no time now because we're pointing the bow southward. Wish us luck with the bridges!!!
Just had a surreal boating experience.
Knew winds were picking up but thought nothing of it. Dad goes up to check and we spot a sailboat dragging anchor horribly, basically just floating along. Brought our air horn out and signaled him, nothing. Kept floating along. Then we noticed two others dragging, and another. The winds were insane, averaging around 35 knots but gusts up to 45. In case this is not English to you. That's hell.
Eventually we dragged a little bit as well and instead of waiting to see what happened, the fam sent me up to the bow in full gear. We pulled up the anchor and then moved closer to shore and reset our anchor. Most everyone was already up but until a few minutes ago one drifted about a half a mile away, in the middle of the commercial channel. The anchor did snag on something.
Everyone is safe now with all their anchors reset. Thank goodness. ADRENALINE RUSH!
-- Elliott Golden, on board s/v Nalani
I see that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree ���� I hope you can see the emoticons! Great job Elliot!