Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Little Harbor, We Meet Again

Stay in or go out?  That was the question as we left Lubber's Quarters for a few hours' sail back down to Little Harbor.  The ocean route would be more direct, but could be a little lumpy.  The inside route would be more scenic, but we'd also have to be dodging shoals and the trip would take a bit longer.

We stayed inside and it was good to go back and see places we'd anchored or the guys had snorkeled, especially as we'd not be back this way again anytime soon.

Nalani anchored at Little Harbor
Arriving in Little Harbor, we noticed that Sally and Martin had gotten there before us and to Gary's chagrin (not for long), Sally had anchored in the place Gary had wanted to be.  We were find, though, and found a solid spot with the opening to the harbor aft of us.  When we'd been there before, we'd anchored more inside and more protected, which was going to play an important part in the next few hours.

We had ducked in because we'd been expecting rain.  What a difference from a month ago; fewer boats and actual anchoring room!   What we got was some crazy wind squalling through the harbor opening and right to our boats.  We were first, and then Sally, and then Martin.

After a little bit of tossing, we noticed that Sally's boat seemed to be dragging.  The guys immediately grabbed our second anchor, donned life jackets, and jumped into the dinghy.  

Pete's Pub's Signature Drink:  The Blaster!
At the same time, Sally had come back to her boat and was working hard to keep the boat anchored; we saw Martin speed over and get on the boat with her.  Before the guys got to her, they had decided to motor over to a mooring for the time being.  I'm glad because her sweet Athena got quite close to pilings behind her. 

After the storm, we headed ashore to get some food and drink.  We saw Sally and Martin there and talked to them for a little while.

Beautiful sunset after the storm
Because we were leaving the next afternoon, we invited them to join us for an expedition early in the morning to find a nearby blue hole and turtle habitat.  The guys had tried to find the blue hole without success the last time we were here when they befriended the Tods from Surrey, England.  

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