Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Lubber's Quarters, Lubber's Landing Restaurant, Abacos

One of our favorite places to eat was at Lubber's Landing.  GREAT french fries and their salad was delicious with a dressing that was both sweet and spicy hot.  Just perfection.  We had celebrated Gary's 50th there and it was on the list of revisits on our way back through to Little Harbor, where we would be leaving to head North to Freeport. 

Elliott playing the ring-toss game; that's Sally at left
We pretty much got the same meal again, and it was delicious again.  I want to make the Cauli-Tings, cauliflower with a hot saucey sauce that has me drooling thinking about it.  Hector was behind the bar again and remembered us and remembered what we had ordered; thank goodness, because I'd have forgotten about that delicious Rum Punch we'd had.  Of course, we had another round.  By the way, Hector and the staff in the kitchen are just fantastic. 

Elliott started talking to a young woman at the bar named Sally.  They continued their conversation outside and seemed to be enjoying each others' company.  She had been getting chatted up by a boatload of fisherman and while she was handling her own, they had been drinking and were a little rowdy.

Gary is losing the height battle with Elliott
Gary and I decided to go check out Tahiti Beach across the way and Elliott stayed behind to stay with Sally.  As we were leaving, we saw another young man arrive and he asked whether Sally was still at the restaurant.  At that point, we didn't know Sally's name, but that's who he was looking for.  We also saw turtles around the pilings there looking for edibles.

The beach at Tahiti is cool, but a good portion of it (a spit, really) disappears during high tide, so we had to make a fast run out so as not to be stranded.  I did not go swimming.  This area had me a little paranoid, as a woman who had been swimming (or snorkeling) near a closeby dock had been viciously attacked by a tiger shark.  Somehow, after she'd been savaged, the woman climbed out of the water by herself and quick and smart medical attention saved her life.  She is now recovering in the States.  The story changes according to who tells it; some say that a fisherman nearby was feeding fish scraps to the sharks for the enjoyment of folks on shore.  I think this is a terrible practice and wish it would stop, and hope this attack calls immediate attention to a stupid thing.  Others say they're not sure of the type of shark, but because a tooth was taken from this woman's back, DNA tests will provide the answer soon enough.

We found a strange place littered with buoys and with nets strung for just hanging out.  Beyond that, Gary went off to find a geocache.  Before he came back, a couple had been there with their dogs, border terriers (they look like Ewoks), and one of them came by to check out our dinghy propeller and the bounciness of the sides of the dinghy.  
A loggerhead at the pier at Lubber's Landing
Picked up Elliott and he announced that Sally, and a new guy named Martin, were having a movie night on Sally's boat.  They watched "The Interview"; Sally loved it and Martin was just okay with it.  Elliott said he didn't like it.

That's when we found out that both Sally and Martin are singlehanders; Sally had sailed all the way down from Maine.  Martin had trailered his boat from Kansas to Florida and sailed over to the Bahamas from there.  They both are on a year-long sailing adventure.  Sally will be returning for her first year in college in Florida in September.  As far as we know, Martin will be sailing for a few months longer, also, but we don't know further plans.  I really liked them and Elliott wanted to spend all his free time with them. 
I had to rein him in a little, though, as they seemed like a new couple and I wanted to make sure he wasn't overstaying his welcome.  We had them over to our boat one night for movie night, too; I popped some corn and set out cookies and lemonade, though they brought their own drinks from the bar.  

Martin has a blog; s/vmeadowlark.blogspot.com; his videos are so good.  Give them a watch and look for sight gags!

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